Friday, 29 June 2018

A Food Diet for Eliminating Chronic Constipation

So many people are afflicted with chronic constipation. They don’t always know how to eliminate it. Relieving constipation of this type can create some real challenges and often results in failure. The cause of constipation can be quite simple or complex depending on the person. Some people simply need a small change in diet while other may need doctor’s drugs.

Using drugs can alter your body’s hormonal system causing imbalances that lead to other sickness. In addition, drugs suppress the cause of constipation and may also cause constipation under continual use. Drugs are poisons designed to kill and to alter cellular function. That is why using natural remedies first makes sense.

The following list gives you some natural solutions for eliminating chronic constipation. If you want to really get rid of constipation then using natural nutritional methods is how you can do it.


The first thing to start with is your diet. Start adding more fiber to your eating pattern. Most people only have around 10 gm of fiber daily. But you need to get your fiber intake to at least 25 gm per day. Add more fiber to your diet a little at a time.

Eat fruits and their juices from morning until noon. This helps you to detoxify and eliminate toxins that accumulated during the night. You'll also get more fiber, since fruits are high in fiber. This is a relieving constipation diet. It is the tendency of your body to have a bowel movement in the morning to eliminate toxins and waste that has accumulated during the night. Eating anything other than fruits and their juices will cause constipation.

If you don't eat vegetables with your protein, you are going to have constipation. You will not be able to get rid of chronic constipation. Your protein is going to stay a long time in your colon, since it doesn’t have vegetables to trigger bowel wall peristaltic movement. The longer protein stays in the colon the more susceptible you are to colon cancer and other colon diseases.

Add more water to your diet. If you don’t drink enough water, your stool will become hard in the colon and will be difficult to move. Don’t drink over do it with drinking water; you only need to drink around 4 glasses a day. Someone has recommended drinking 8 glasses per day. This is an excess of water and will mostly likely cause your stools to be to soft and can cause excess bowel movements.

There are certain foods that cause constipation and these you should avoid. The foods to avoid are those that do not contain fiber. They are foods where the fiber has been removed. This causes the food to be unbalanced and will cause you a variety of disease. Fiber will make your body strong, resilient, and resistant to disease and injury, just as it does this for plants.

One more thing, bad bacteria can cause constipation. We all have bad bacteria but when it gets out of control, it can lead to disease and malfunction of the colon. Excess bad bacterium can excrete toxins that destroy good colon function, which can lead to constipation.

Bad bacteria multiples as it consumes undigested protein. As it increases in numbers, it becomes dominate in the colon creating excess toxins which lead to colon malfunction. These toxins weaken the colon walls, change the pH environment, and get sucked into your body and blood, causing unhealthy conditions.

With these few tips, you can make a start to get rid of your chronic constipation. Take serious the use of fruit and their juices in the morning. And, adding plenty of vegetables with your protein and carbohydrate meals will prevent constipation. Careful with the water and don’t drink 8 glasses a day unless you are an athlete or are working in the hot sun every day.

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